My Research


About My Research

What do you think? How can companies help to save the planet?

Science cannot by any means find universal truths or even provide an objective picture of the world. Nevertheless, in my eyes it is the tool to test hypotheses, critically challenge everyday certainties and assumptions, and initiate reflection. Thus, scientific work not only has an intrinsic value for me, but also assumes a responsible role in society.

My research and teaching is about what it takes to balance business and the planet.

What I am interested in

My research focuses on innovative ways of management to enhance corporate social, environmental, and economic value. 

In my doctoral thesis, I aim to address the topic of ‘purpose’-oriented businesses and to explore how ‘purpose’-oriented strategies can be developed and designed to be economically successful as a business on the one hand and to be able to align its activities with their purpose on the other hand. In doing so, I am interested in the role of the culture of trust and cooperation within the company and strive, among other things, to work out to what extent these factors characterize the way the company is run, in particular the way it is managed. I hypothesize that ‘purpose’-oriented companies live the highest form of corporate culture, where leadership delegation enables employee participation through trust and cooperation. In my view, a panel of responsibility is the key to opening up the potentials that lie in employees’ identification with the company.  

This research field is complex, broad and fascinating. It covers several topics from other research disciplines as the following:


When individuals or groups interact to perform the intended activities towards the accomplishment of a common goal many challenges occur.


I am convinced: leadership focuses on supporting others reaching their goals.


Putting effort together is a win-win situation but challenges the work of individuals. Cooperative relationships require trust, organizational effort and empathy.


Sustainability research focuses on the dynamic interactions between nature and society, with equal attention to how social change shapes the environment and how environmental change shapes society. These movements seek to address the essential complexity of those interactions, recognizing that understanding the individual components of nature–society systems provides insufficient understanding about the behavior of the systems themselves.


Strategy is the essence of each organizational development. What, Who, Why and How need to be answered to align actions towards one direction. Only when we join efforts and pull together can we create value.


Meaning or purpose also play a decisive role in companies. It is a key factor not only for individual well-being but also for the positive and sustainable development of people, organizations, and society.

A corporate culture ideally combines performance orientation with the principles of humanity and, with its offers and conditions, contributes to stabilizing society.

My last papers

The Effectiveness of Performance Management System and its Systemic Value

What is behind the start-up hype? An empirical study on the impact of the term "start-up" compared to " corporation".


Non-verbal leadership communication and its perception – the analogy between corporate leadership and conducting an orchestra


Currently working on

Next Publication
Integrativ Literature Review

What's behind the Glorification of Purpose? A Critical Literature Review of Organizational Implications
RQ: What positive and negative organizational implications of the Purpose concept for businesses have been discussed in the literature? - 176 Paper analyzed about Purpose in businesses

Presentation about my Research at the Purpose Summit 2023

8.11.2023 - 11.8.2023 More information about the Peter Drucker Society

Magazine ARticle about my Research

Publication in "WittenLab Magazin" Summer - 2023

Research Conferences 2023

EAA - European Accounting Association

Presenting my Working Paper about
"The Fit Dilemma of Performance Management Systems"

24.5. - 26.5.2023 Helsinki, Finland

EURAM 2023

Attendance by the PHD Colloquim in Dublin, Ireland 11.6. - 16.6.2023

EGOS Paper Development Workshop 2023

Participation at the Workshop in Split, Croatia